The rules around asbestos inspections and clearance certificates are strict.
Since January 1 2013, under the Work Health and Safety Regulation, all licensed asbestos removal works in NSW must have a clearance inspection, with a clearance certificate issued.
Licensed asbestos removal works include removal of
- any amount of friable asbestos (that is, asbestos which is easily crumbled), or
- more than 10m2 of non-friable asbestos
If you’re a Person with Control of a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), it’s your responsibility to make sure the inspection takes place and the clearance certificate is issued.
So how do you get an asbestos inspection and clearance certificate? Just call Airsafe on (02) 9555 9034. With over 20 years’ experience in the asbestos industry, the authorities trust what our consultants say. A clearance certificate from Airsafe means you don’t have to worry about complications later on.
Airsafe’s consultants are backed by NATA Accreditation and professional indemnity insurance. And we can also provide air monitoring during asbestos removal – a legal requirement if the asbestos is friable.
In practice, it will often be your asbestos removal contractor who organises the clearance certificate. But as the employer, the legal liability rests with you. The best solution is to only engage an asbestos removal contractor who you can be certain will comply with the law. (Airsafe can recommend one.)